Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cerium Facts - Ce or Atomic Number 58

Cerium (Ce) is atomic number 58 on the periodic table. Like other lanthanides or rare earth elements, cerium is a soft, silver-colored metal. Its the most abundant of the rare earth elements. Cerium Basic Facts Element Name: Cerium Atomic Number: 58 Symbol: Ce Atomic Weight: 140.115 Element Classification: Rare Earth Element (Lanthanide Series) Discovered By: W. von Hisinger, J. Berzelius, M. Klaproth Discovery Date: 1803 (Sweden/Germany) Name Origin: Named after the asteroid Ceres, discovered two years before the element. Cerium Physical Data Density (g/cc) near r.t.: 6.757 Melting Point ( °K): 1072 Boiling Point ( °K): 3699 Appearance: Malleable, ductile, iron-gray metal Atomic Radius (pm): 181 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 21.0 Covalent Radius (pm): 165 Ionic Radius: 92 (4e) 103.4 (3e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.205 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 5.2 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 398 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.12 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 540.1 Oxidation States: 4, 3 Electronic Configuration: [Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2 Lattice Structure: Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) Lattice Constant (Ã…): 5.160 Electrons per Shell: 2, 8, 18, 19, 9, 2 Phase: Solid Liquid Density at m.p.: 6.55 g ·cm−3 Heat of Fusion: 5.46 kJ ·mol−1 Heat of Vaporization: 398 kJ ·mol−1 Heat Capacity (25  °C): 26.94 J ·mol−1 ·K−1 Electronegativity: 1.12 (Pauling scale) Atomic Radius: 185 pm Electrical Resistivity (r.t.): (ÃŽ ², poly) 828 nÃŽ ©Ã‚ ·m Thermal Conductivity (300 K): 11.3 W ·m−1 ·K−1 Thermal Expansion (r.t.): (ÃŽ ³, poly) 6.3  µm/(m ·K) Speed of Sound (thin rod) (20  °C): 2100 m/s Youngs Modulus (ÃŽ ³ form): 33.6 GPa Shear Modulus (ÃŽ ³ form): 13.5 GPa Bulk Modulus (ÃŽ ³ form): 21.5 GPa Poisson Ratio (ÃŽ ³ form): 0.24 Mohs Hardness: 2.5 Vickers Hardness: 270 MPa Brinell Hardness: 412 MPa CAS Registry Number: 7440-45-1 Sources: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952) Return to the Periodic Table

Monday, December 23, 2019

Walt Disney An Issue With Race - 1543 Words

Throughout the course of eighty years Walt Disney has made a lot of movies. In these movies there are characters that dance, sing, and do things that normal people could not do. Their movies have been very profitable over the years; however, these movies have faced some serious issues. Walter Elias â€Å"Walt† Disney is the of the founder of The Walt Disney Company. He started off writing short little stories that could be ran in television and movie theaters. Some of these short stories were little pieces of â€Å"perceptions of reality and constructing a normative â€Å"vision† of the world† (Tavin and Anderson 21). Disney always seemed to have an issue with race, some show how different race’s were portray in real life. Walt Disney Movies even from the start seem to always have some sort of issue with race so viewers wanted more diversity because of the effect that it has on children In one of the more recent movies that was made by Disney T he Princess and the Frog some of the scenes and information that used to make it upset a lot of people. Disney was supposed to make a movie that had a more diversity set of characters. However, the setting and plot put these characters into a more dominate white theme. This movie is based off of a well-known fairy tale that was written by Brother Grimm â€Å"The Frog King or Iron Heinrich†. However, as in any Disney movie things needed to be changed to make the story more entertaining, to the children audience. In Gregory’s article heShow MoreRelatedDisney s Strategic Process Of Success Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesWalt Disney transformed a small private company into a blooming public company surrounded by success. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Cost of Education Free Essays

Joey Goodstudent English 101, Section Causal Argument Essay February 16, 2009 The Real Cost of Education It was David Henry Thoreau who said, â€Å"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. † He graduated from Harvard in 1837, but not with a diploma. He explains, â€Å"they have been foolish enough to put at the end of all this earnest the old joke of a diploma. We will write a custom essay sample on The Cost of Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Thoreau understood that the piece of parchment handed out at commencement means nothing more than the hard work, studying, and education that came before it. Today, those values are lost, and only 59% of Arizonan high school students graduate. This number reflects changes in society, problems in schools, and student’s personal reasoning. Society today demands a degree, not to get ahead, but just to keep up. An article published in the July 17, 2008 Wall Street Journal titled â€Å"The Declining Value of your College Degree† states that â€Å"College-educated workers are more plentiful, more commoditized and more subject to the downsizings that used to be the  purview of blue-collar workers only. What employers want from workers nowadays is more narrow, more abstract and less easily learned in college. † A phrase like this is very discouraging to a high schooler. When the prospect of a brighter future is taken from the table, the immediate response is â€Å"why try? † This attitude gives way to a sense of hopelessness and discouragement. A study by Civic Enterprises shows that 69% of dropouts said that they were not motivated to work hard. The growing cost of living coupled with the independence of today’s youth creates a need to work, and earn money. In society today, children are growing up much faster. A report by the Guttmacher Institute placed Arizona as the state having the second most pregnancies in women aged 15-19. We fell just 9 teen pregnancies shy of first, at 104. With the average annual cost of raising a child at $17,151, it’s practically impossible to support a family and remain in school. This causes both parents of the child to drop out; with both either working all the time or taking turns watching the child as the other works. Problems with the schools are also large contributing factors in the decision to drop out. High Schools often have stark attendance policies that step on the toes of students otherwise willing and able to complete high school. When a student misses a set number of class periods they’re simply audited. The student is not given a chance to catch up, or to learn what they’ve missed, but are assumed to be unable to finish the course. This notion runs contradictory to Arizona’s standardized testing, which suggests that if a child can pass a test, they’ve learned what’s necessary. The audited students are not given the chance to be tested, and show that they’ve learned the necessary material despite absences. A study by Civic Enterprises shows that 47% of students gave the reason â€Å"classes are uninteresting† as one of their motivations for dropping out. Uninteresting classes comes as a result of a strict curriculum to support standardized testing, and placing high value on practical subjects such as math and language, while stigmatizing creative subjects like art, drama, and dance, which would hold the attention of students otherwise bored. Teachers today are forced to stick to strict curriculums to ensure that students can pass a test at the end of the class. This often limits learning techniques considered to be more interesting than others, such as working in a group on a project, or having a class-wide discussion. These actions are replaced with long, prepared lectures and quizzes. Knowledge is lost on students, who sit in class bored. Education is increasingly geared towards practicality, and academic ability. Schools will teach daily mathematics and languages classes, and only offer art or music classes a fraction of that time. Students become bored with the subjects and have no motivation to continue attending school. If schools were to offer more fine arts students would soon gain fascination, and in turn be more interested and motivated to go to school. Class sizes in schools are also a problem, as a large class size will limit the one-on-one time student’s need with their instructor to fully understand what being taught. Often when a class is too large students are unable to ask questions because the instructor is busy help other students, or grading hundreds of assignments. When the class size is smaller, an instructor can get to know particular students weaknesses and help them develop those areas. In this way, a small class size fosters a stronger education, and in turn, happier students who enjoy learning. Students coming to high school from junior high are faced with a completely different social situation. Cliques and groups form to exclude people, and this causes self-esteem issues. Finding friends in this new situation can be tough for students, and feeling like an outcast at school will cause students to not want to be there. Belonging to a group will increase the chances of that students attending school. Conversely, some students get so caught up in the social aspect of high school and being a ‘teen’ that they let their attendance slip, preferring to go out to lunch or hang out with friends over going to school. Eventually, school takes the back seat to their sociability and they drop out. Peer pressure also limits those who earnestly want to succeed, but are not strong academically. Super-seniors will come back to school for another year instead of giving up, only to be ridiculed and called stupid by other students. They soon believe the ridicule and drop out. The true cost of education is the life we exchange for it. It could be at work, struggling to support ourselves and go to school. It could be at home studying for an upcoming exam, It could be in the classroom trying to pay attention, or with fellow students, trying to make friends. With time will come the consequence of these high drop out rates. Perhaps then we’ll take action and try to stop it. How to cite The Cost of Education, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Creative Marketing Strategy and Plan

Question: Discuss about the Creative Marketing Strategy and Plan. Answer: Strategic Marketing Plan Strategic marketing plan is the procedure of planning that the managerial and operational staff members of a company undergoes for implementing and creating effective strategies for marketing. Several aspects of promotion and marketing are taken into account for designing the plans for strategic marketing (Hollensen 2015). This assignment will conduct the PESTLE and SWOT analysis for launching a new product idea of a local company in Trinidad. PESTLE Analysis Fresh search caf is located at Trinidad and is passionate about healthy lifestyle and nutrition. The caf is launching a marketing campaign named Go Fresh for promoting the natural and organic products and the local farmers of the country. The political (P) environment of Trinidad is stable that has led to the improvement in the efficiency with reduced financial costs by the government. The government controls the business activities of the country and makes the people aware of the healthy choices, flourishing the organic agricultural sector and supporting the production of organic food. The economic (E) factors of Trinidad favor business activities for the international and local companies. The export options promote the growth of the retail food companies that helps the organic food outlets to sale their products through direct sale, specialized shops, super markets and mail orders (Allen and Dibie 2016). Economic stability of the country lowers the labor cost that helps to increase the business activities. The social (S) factors reflect the eating habits and the local trends and in this regard, Trinidad favors the introduction of newer food habits. Since the people of the country prefer to have healthy and nutritious food, Fresh search caf can have a good business. The technological (T) factors of Trinidad are well developed that facilitates easy communication and promotes commercial activities. This supports the food companies to promote their products through affordable internet and telephone networks thereby increasing profitability. The legal (L) factors of Trinidad are favorable for business as they support freedom and fundamental human rights. The legislative system offers no restriction on the repatriation of interests, dividends, profits and capital by which a new product idea can be introduced (Narine, Ganpat and Seepersad 2015). The environmental (E) factors of Trinidad generate economic and social benefits for the community as the natural environment of the country favors agricultural growth. Therefore, organic farming and products will be a successful venture under such circumstances. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis of Fresh search caf and its Go Fresh campaign will help to analyze the business situation by detecting, implementing and determining the strategic marketing plan. The SWOT analysis for the caf can be presented in the form of a matrix. Table 1: SWOT Analysis Matrix Strengths The near shore location of the country will attract customers to the organic caf from local as well as international destinations. The location of the caf favors business as all the competitors are located at an opposite region that helps in easy marketing of the products. Fresh caf has the competitive advantage that its employees have a firm background in nutrition and health. Weaknesses The labor cost is high in Trinidad compared to several neighboring countries that can significantly decrease the profitability (Wilson 2016). The scanty knowledge of the farmers about organic farming can be a setback to the supply of raw materials. Advertisement of the meal value of organic food is difficult as it requires technical knowledge among the consumers. Opportunities Trinidad is the home to several animation studios that can possibly develop the brand campaign for Go Fresh. The people of Trinidad are passionate about food that results in reduced employee turnover (Ganpat and Seepersad 2015). International expansion of the business is possible as organic food is accepted widely. Threats Fresh caf has intense competitors in Trinidad that can significantly affect its business on a domestic and international scale. The organic raw material costs are volatile in nature that can affect the profit margins (Francis 2015). The organic production methods can have lesser yields that can eventually hit the farmers and the business. Conclusion On a concluding note, it can be stated that the strategic marketing plan of Fresh search caf has to be designed considering the PESTLE and SWOT analysis for increasing the market share. The channels of marketing have to be selected carefully to gain maximum popularity and create an appeal among the consumers of all ages. The marketing strategy is also intended to provide health and wellness to various types of consumers who are environmentalists, vegans, picky eaters and health conscious individuals. References Allen, M. and Dibie, R., 2016. The Impact of the Occupational Safety and Health Policy in the Agriculture and Health Industries in Trinidad and Tobago. Francis, J., 2015. A case for channelling creative industries into a viable industry sub-sector within a diversified economy in Trinidad and Tobago.Creative Industries Journal,8(1), pp.24-38. Ganpat, W. and Seepersad, G., 2015. Demand for organic produce.Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies,5(1), pp.76-91. Hollensen, S., 2015.Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Narine, L.K., Ganpat, W. and Seepersad, G., 2015. Demand for organic produce: Trinidadian consumers willingness to pay for organic tomatoes.Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies,5(1), pp.76-91. Wilson, M., 2016. Food and nutrition security policies in the Caribbean: Challenging the corporate food regime?.Geoforum,73, pp.60-69.